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Teatime is the period of the day when people have their tea. It can be either at late afternoon or in the early part of the evening. In the dainty city of Jalgaon in Maharashtra , the word ” tea time ” has many hidden and slang meanings. Read on to know what Jalgaon-ites mean when they say it’s tea time!

It’s time to re-boot and re-energize

Anyone in Jalgaon who has had a long day or feeling on on energy indulges in tea-time. If at work there is no inspiration or ideas. If at home there is ever a dull moment people from Jalgaon sip on their favourite brewed beverage and re-boot their minds and body.

It’s time to gossip

In Jagaon tea time means juicy information. “Time for tea” truly means gossiping with friends, family or work-mates about a situation, story news , society and celebrities. It’s that time of the day when friends catch up with each other and discuss latest social happenings. It’s a break from boring routine.

It’s time for a break

Jalgaon-ites are hard workers who spend long hours in their work place. Tea time becomes the customary break time where everyone makes time for a short interval of mindless banter. It refreshes the mind and creates an opportunity to make friends and unknowingly increases productivity at work.

It’s time to build relationships

People make great friends over the customary tea time at work. Different people from different departments gather and exchange ideas. For a home maker tea time could be hanging out with other members of the family or meeting up with friends for a kitty party. For business owners and entrepreneurs tea is a beverage that is served to each visitor in their office. This culture of tea time greatly builds interpersonal relationships!

Pritam Chai is the preferred tea company that Jalgaon thrives on. With three power-packed flavours Pritam Chai has captured the imagination of the home makers, office goers, restaurant owners and caterers alike. Try the most natural and flavourful tea that energises and refreshes all of Jalgaon. Click here and order your very own Pritam Chai right now! Happy Sipping!

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