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Legacy does not always need time to build, even a fine cup of tea is enough!

Tea in India is the quintessential beverage that drives people in India. The Keswani family of Jalgaon is no different. A holiday in the winding hills and a trail through manicured tea gardens soaking in the golden sunshine in Asaam stirred the commencement of a deep love for tea in the Keswani brothers. Enchanted with the terrain and the mesmerising floral fragrance, Vijay Keswani engrossed himself in the history of tea making. His inquisition and passion of tea sparked the entrepreneur in him and that became the beginning of a legacy called Pritam Chai. Raised in the Jalgaon district of Maharashtra, the Keswani brothers have created a niche for tea in the local market in a mere two decades of operations.

Their focus has been on retaining the natural authenticity and taste of tea while offering rich local flavour to it. Mast Chai by Pritam Chai is the concerted effort to uphold elements – art, culture, philosophy, and habits- that are unique to the local consumer.

Today, Pritam Chai is much more than just tea. It is promoting a way of life that endorses modernity yet retains old values. They wish to progress, but not at the cost of adversely affecting health. They want to advance, but not lose sight of the values that has kept them grounded. It’s balance that they seek! In all the euphoria of today’s world, their endeavour is to allow their teas to transport people to Assam, a place of natural abundance, calm and tranquillity.

You’ll join them in the journey won’t you!

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